I am facing problem when I am using frequency analyzer in Simulink.

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I am getting this error when I am plotting bode plot for my three level inverter model(using PID Controller).
In "frestimate(modelname,op,io,in)", it is required for each of the linearization input I/O points that the sample time of the Simulink signal where it is located is one of the following: 1. It is either continuous or fixed in minor time step. 2. Its sample rate is equal to the sample rate of the input signal "in". The linearization I/O io(1) does not satisfy this requirement. Consider either changing the sample time of Simulink signal where io(1) is located to continuous sample time or changing the sample time of input signal "in".
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回答(1 个)

Siddharth Jawahar
Siddharth Jawahar 2024-1-24
Hi Yojan,
I recommend ensuring that the sample time of the input signal matches that of the signals marked as the linear analysis I/O points in the model.


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