Preview and store multiple channels using a modified version of the live data acquisition example

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The example is here
I have changed a couple things in the code but will attach what I have currently done and outline the main changes I have made.
I switched the 1 input to 8 to match the type of daq board I am currently using changed the channel drop down callback to
addinput(d, deviceID, 0:7, measurementType);
I also changed the channel drop down value change callback to a UITableSelectionChange and just coped the
This felt a little too easy and I am still uncertain of how well it is working because I am using a simulated NI Daq box (6001) and it is just hocering between -10 and +10 Volts
I have attached the currrent version of the example that I am working on, I have also changed the data variable to a TimeTable through the rread function but it stopped displaying the data in the preview and would not log at all. I am also trying to have a way to calibrate each channel using a different y=mx +b slope and intercept. The slope and intercept are currently private properties so a switch can be added to change the values on the y-axis from voltage to calibrated.

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