Assign a customized image to an icon on the Quick Access Toolbar

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have created two Quick Access Toolbar buttons that let me toggle between two desired Matlab Desktop layouts, one which arranges the panes in a certain way when the Editor is docked, and one when the Editor undocked:
However, it is unappealing to me that both use the same visual icon . I would like to assign alternative and distinct images to each of these icons.
I notice that the custom Quick Access Buttons are configured with .xml files in the prefdir. I have attached the for my "Docked" button as an example. I was wondering if there is something in the file that I could add or modify to change the icon image. I am looking for tags that dictate the current image, but cannot determine which it is.
Does anyone know if/how such a customization could be made?


kei hin
kei hin 2024-1-26
编辑:kei hin 2024-1-26
Right click on your Quick Access Toolbar button, then edit the icon you want in command edit window.
In R2019b, command below will be found in a xml file named with FavoriteCommands. Change 'favorite_command' to the icon image file path you want.
<icon name="favorite_command"/>
  5 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2024-1-26
Ahah, but this FEX download,
makes it possible to activate a layout with a Matlab command, and therefore to do the same using a Favorite action.


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