How to detect whether a figure is created by uifigure()

32 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have the following in my startup.m file,
set(groot,'defaultFigureCreateFcn',@(fig, ~)addToolbarExplorationButtons(fig));
which throws an error when a uifigure is created,
fig = uifigure;
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/set
Functionality not supported with figures created with
the uifigure function.
So, the question becomes, how can I pre-detect whether fig has been created by uifigure() as opposed to figure()? There don't appear to be separate classes reserved for the two,
>> class(figure)
ans =
>> class(uifigure)
ans =


Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2024-1-28
编辑:Bruno Luong 2024-5-5
This command returns true for uifigure handle fig

更多回答(1 个)

Michael 2024-5-5
编辑:Walter Roberson 2024-5-5
So to complete the picture, to get rid of this error:
Functionality not supported with figures created with the uifigure function.
Define this function
function y=makefig(fig);
if ~matlab.ui.internal.isUIFigure(fig)
and put this in your startup.m
It would be nice if the Mathworks could do this for us in the next release. Please Guys!
  2 个评论
Craig 2024-12-18,3:32
编辑:Craig 2024-12-18,3:42
no longer works. @Adam pointed to your solution. However, even using your solution I find that using filterDesigner results in:
Error using filterDesigner (line 79)
Value must be a handle.
Any idea on how to get around that?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-12-18,5:48
I did not post this solution here. @Michael posted the solution here. All I did was reformat Michael's posting to put the code into code blocks.



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