How do I make the fit better so that there are no negative y-values for the fit?

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am attempting to fit a cubic spline to rheological data which can be found in the attached excel file. The data is best visualized on a log-log plot, however, the cubic spline being fit between some points has negative y-values. How do I improve the fit between these points? The code is below:
clear all;
%% --Variable Assignment--
osc_strain = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'A1:A25');
stor_mod = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'K1:K25');
loss_mod = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'L1:L25');
osc_strain_t = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'A1:A21');
stor_mod_t = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'K1:K21');
tb1 = table(osc_strain,stor_mod,loss_mod);
%% --Fit: Cubic Spline Interpolant--
[xData, yData] = prepareCurveData( osc_strain, stor_mod );
% Set up fittype and options.
ft = 'cubicinterp';
excludedPoints = yData < 0;
opts = fitoptions( 'Method', 'CubicSplineInterpolant' );
opts.ExtrapolationMethod = 'none';
opts.Exclude = excludedPoints;
% Fit model to data.
[fitresult, gof] = fit( xData, yData, ft, opts );
%% --Plotting--
lg1 = loglog(tb1,"osc_strain","stor_mod",'LineWidth',1);
hold on;
lg2 = loglog(tb1,"osc_strain","loss_mod",'LineWidth',1);
% Plot fit with data on a log-log scale.
h = plot(fitresult);
%% --Figure Stylization--
lg1.LineStyle = "-";
lg1.Color = "magenta";
lg1.Marker = ".";
lg1.MarkerSize = 16;
lg2.LineStyle = "-";
lg2.Color = "magenta";
lg2.Marker = "o";
lg2.MarkerSize = 4;
h.LineStyle = "--";
h.Color = "black";
xlabel('Oscillation Stress, \gamma (%)')
ylabel("G',G'' (Pa)")
legend('Storage Modulus','Loss Modulus','Cubic Spline','Location','northwest')
Below is the figure that is produced. The splines between the last 6 data points are the ones I would like to smooth more. Any ideas?


Matt J
Matt J 2024-1-31
编辑:Matt J 2024-1-31
Why use fit() if you just want to interpolate? Why not use interp1 with the 'pchip' method instead?
clear all;
%% --Variable Assignment--
osc_strain = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'A1:A25');
stor_mod = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'K1:K25');
loss_mod = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'L1:L25');
osc_strain_t = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'A1:A21');
stor_mod_t = xlsread("ag_gel_data.xlsx",1,'K1:K21');
tb1 = table(osc_strain,stor_mod,loss_mod);
%% --Fit: Cubic Spline Interpolant--
[xData, yData] = prepareCurveData( osc_strain, stor_mod );
%% --Plotting--
lg1 = loglog(tb1,"osc_strain","stor_mod",'LineWidth',1);
hold on;
lg2 = loglog(tb1,"osc_strain","loss_mod",'LineWidth',1);
% Plot fit with data on a log-log scale.
xup=linspace(xData(1) , xData(end),1e4);
h = plot(xup, interp1(xData,yData,xup,'pchip'),'--');
%% --Figure Stylization--
lg1.LineStyle = "-";
lg1.Color = "magenta";
lg1.Marker = ".";
lg1.MarkerSize = 16;
lg2.LineStyle = "-";
lg2.Color = "magenta";
lg2.Marker = "o";
lg2.MarkerSize = 4;
h.LineStyle = "--";
h.Color = "black";
xlabel('Oscillation Stress, \gamma (%)')
ylabel("G',G'' (Pa)")
legend('Storage Modulus','Loss Modulus','Cubic Spline','Location','northwest')
  12 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2024-1-31
编辑:Matt J 2024-1-31
Perhaps as follows?
K = gradient(yup,xup);
Ktable0 = [xup; K].';
You realize I hope that the region where the gradient is >=0 may not be contiguous. Basically, you are keeping only the regions where stor_mod is increasing and discarding wherever it is decreasing.
Elias Kerstein
Elias Kerstein 2024-1-31
Thank you so much! Your solution worked. Yes, I am aware, however the culture surrounding how rheological data is plotted demands it to be on a log-log plot, which eliminates the region in which yData decreases. I greatly appreciate your assistance!


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