Remove points in a 3D matrix that lie inside a 2D polygon on each layer

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm visualizing an MRI but am trying to remove a lot of artifacts that usually come in these images. I've implemented two solutions:
  1. use knnsearch to remove points too far away from their neighbors (i.e. floating out in the middle of nowhere) - works very well
  2. Have a user draw a polygon around remaining points from a topdown view (view 2) to remove the clusters of bad points from each layer.
The issue I'm running into is this: I can have a user create a polygon and get the points of the polygon with something like roi.Position, however I'm having trouble figuring out how to efficiently come through each Z layer of the matrix to remove the points within the polygon. Any ideas?
roi = drawpolygon('Color','r');
My instinct is to run a for loop through each layer, but this seems inefficient. TIA
  2 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2024-1-31
编辑:Matt J 2024-1-31
If the process is going to have an interactive step in each slice, why are you fretting that it be fast?
Cameron 2024-2-1
编辑:Cameron 2024-2-2
It won't be interactive per slice, I'm having the user draw a polygon from a top down view and effectively eliminate a vertical column group from the mri by adjusting the values of all points within that same polygon to 0 on every slice.



Matt J
Matt J 2024-2-1
and effectively eliminate a column from the mri by adjusting the values of all points within that same polygon to 0 on every slice.
If so, then once you've drawn the ROI, it would just be,
  3 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2024-2-2
编辑:Matt J 2024-2-2
Is this not what you want? You have an MRI image volume and you want to zero all pixels inside a polygon and repeat that for the same set of pixels in each slice. As you can see below, the result my answer gives is not 2D.
mriVolume=rand(3,3,3) %Fake mri volume
mriVolume =
mriVolume(:,:,1) = 0.9117 0.3054 0.8743 0.6790 0.5029 0.9291 0.4444 0.7229 0.0910 mriVolume(:,:,2) = 0.7140 0.6320 0.6661 0.6696 0.3753 0.0985 0.1696 0.9075 0.6249 mriVolume(:,:,3) = 0.4784 0.9112 0.7842 0.8221 0.8651 0.3624 0.3684 0.6878 0.9057
roi=drawpolygon('Position', [0,0; 2,0; 0,3]*1.7);
mriVolume=mriVolume.*(~roi.createMask) %Delete pixels inside polygon in each slice
mriVolume =
mriVolume(:,:,1) = 0 0 0.8743 0 0 0.9291 0 0.7229 0.0910 mriVolume(:,:,2) = 0 0 0.6661 0 0 0.0985 0 0.9075 0.6249 mriVolume(:,:,3) = 0 0 0.7842 0 0 0.3624 0 0.6878 0.9057


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