I have symmetric Euler method. Error ratio with Runge - Kuta rule should be approximately 4. But I get 2. The order is p=2.

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ans = 4×6 table
N h Approximate_Solution Exact_Solution Error Error_Ratio __ ______ ____________________ ______________ __________ ___________ 10 0.1 0.54778 0.54784 0.0060561 2.176 20 0.05 0.54782 0.54784 0.0027832 2.1003 40 0.025 0.54783 0.54784 0.0013251 2.0536 80 0.0125 0.54784 0.54784 0.00064526 2.0536
function results_table = Symmetric_Euler_Method()
y0 = newton(@(y) y - 1, 1, 1e-6);
x0 = 0;
xN = 1;
f = @(x, y) cos(2*x + y) + (3/2)*(x - y);
[x_exact, y_exact] = ode45(f, [0, 1], y0);
N0_values = [10, 20, 40, 80];
p = 2;
results_table = table('Size', [length(N0_values), 6], 'VariableTypes', {'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double'}, 'VariableNames', {'N', 'h', 'Approximate_Solution', 'Exact_Solution', 'Error', 'Error_Ratio'});
hold on;
for i = 1:length(N0_values)
N0 = N0_values(i);
N = N0;
h = (xN - x0) / N;
% Symmetric Euler Method
t = 0:h:1;
y = zeros(1, N+1);
y(1) = y0;
for j = 1:N
F = @(y_new) y_new - y(j) - (h/2) * (f(t(j), y(j)) + f(t(j+1), y_new));
y_new = newton(F, y(j), 1e-6);
y(j+1) = y_new;
Yh = y(N+1);
Y2h = y(N);
error = abs(Y2h-Yh) / (2^p - 1);
exact_solution = interp1(x_exact, y_exact, xN);
if i > 1
previous_error = results_table.Error(i-1);
error_ratio = previous_error/error;
error_ratio = NaN;
results_table(i, :) = {N, h, Yh, exact_solution, error, error_ratio};
if i == 1
plot(x_exact, y_exact, 'r', 'DisplayName', 'Exact Solution');
plot(t, y, 'DisplayName', ['Approximate Solution, h = ' num2str(h)]);
% Calculating error ratio with one previous error
for k = 1:length(N0_values) - 1
error_ratio = results_table.Error(k) / results_table.Error(k+1);
results_table.Error_Ratio(k) = error_ratio;
title('Solutions with Different N');
function result = newton(F, x0, tol)
max_iter = 100;
x = x0;
iter = 0;
while iter < max_iter
f_val = F(x);
f_prime = (F(x + tol) - f_val) / tol;
x = x - f_val / f_prime;
if abs(f_val) < tol
result = x;
iter = iter + 1;
error('Newton''s method did not converge');
  3 个评论


回答(1 个)

Shivansh 2024-2-22
Hi E,
It seems like you are using Symmetric Euler method and the expected error ratio with Runge - Kuta rule should be approximately 4. The output of expected error from the code snippet provided by you is close to 2 in all the cases. As mentioned in the comments, issue with the error ratio being approximately 2 instead of 4 seems to stem from the way the error is calculated.
The error should be calculated using the results obtained with different step sizes, not just the difference between the last two steps of the same run. The error estimation should compare the solutions at the same point ( x = x_N ) for two different step sizes, typically ( h ) and ( h/2 ), and use Richardson's extrapolation to estimate the error.
Here's how you can correct the error calculation:
1. Calculate the solution ( Y_h ) using the step size ( h ).
2. Calculate the solution ( Y_{h/2} ) using the step size ( h/2 ).
3. Estimate the error using the difference between ( Y_h ) and ( Y_{h/2} ), scaled by ( 2^p - 1 ).
Here is the updated code snippet:
ans = 4×6 table
N h Approximate_Solution Exact_Solution Error Error_Ratio __ ______ ____________________ ______________ __________ ___________ 10 0.1 0.54778 0.54784 NaN NaN 20 0.05 0.54782 0.54784 3.5931e-06 4.0238 40 0.025 0.54783 0.54784 8.9297e-07 4.0059 80 0.0125 0.54784 0.54784 2.2291e-07 4.0059
function results_table = Symmetric_Euler_Method()
y0 = newton(@(y) y - 1, 1, 1e-6);
x0 = 0;
xN = 1;
f = @(x, y) cos(2*x + y) + (3/2)*(x - y);
[x_exact, y_exact] = ode45(f, [0, 1], y0);
N0_values = [10, 20, 40, 80];
p = 2;
results_table = table('Size', [length(N0_values), 6], 'VariableTypes', {'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double'}, 'VariableNames', {'N', 'h', 'Approximate_Solution', 'Exact_Solution', 'Error', 'Error_Ratio'});
hold on;
for i = 1:length(N0_values)
N = N0_values(i);
h = (xN - x0) / N;
t = x0:h:(x0 + N*h);
% Symmetric Euler Method with step size h
y = symmetric_euler(f, x0, y0, h, N);
Yh = y(end); % Solution with step size h
% Symmetric Euler Method with step size h/2 (if not the first iteration)
if i > 1
N_half = N * 2;
h_half = (xN - x0) / N_half;
y_half = symmetric_euler(f, x0, y0, h_half, N_half);
Yh_half = y_half(end); % Solution with step size h/2
% Error estimation using Richardson's extrapolation
error = abs(Yh - Yh_half) / (2^p - 1);
previous_error = results_table.Error(i-1);
error_ratio = previous_error / error;
error = NaN;
error_ratio = NaN;
exact_solution = interp1(x_exact, y_exact(:,1), xN);
results_table(i, :) = {N, h, Yh, exact_solution, error, error_ratio};
if i == 1
plot(x_exact, y_exact, 'r', 'DisplayName', 'Exact Solution');
plot(t, y, 'DisplayName', ['Approximate Solution, h = ' num2str(h)]);
for k = 1:length(N0_values) - 1
error_ratio = results_table.Error(k) / results_table.Error(k+1);
results_table.Error_Ratio(k) = error_ratio;
title('Solutions with Different N');
function result = newton(F, x0, tol)
max_iter = 100;
x = x0;
iter = 0;
while iter < max_iter
f_val = F(x);
f_prime = (F(x + tol) - f_val) / tol;
x = x - f_val / f_prime;
if abs(f_val) < tol
result = x;
iter = iter + 1;
error('Newton''s method did not converge');
function y = symmetric_euler(f, x0, y0, h, N)
y = zeros(1, N+1);
y(1) = y0;
for j = 1:N
t_j = x0 + (j-1)*h; % Calculate current time step
t_jp1 = t_j + h; % Calculate next time step
F = @(y_new) y_new - y(j) - (h/2) * (f(t_j, y(j)) + f(t_jp1, y_new));
y_new = newton(F, y(j), 1e-6);
y(j+1) = y_new;
I defined a new function "symmetric_euler" that performs the Symmetric Euler method and returns the array of ( y ) values. We use this function to calculate ( Y_h ) and ( Y_{h/2} ). The "interp1" function is used to obtain the exact solution at ( x = x_N ) from the ode45 results.
The error ratio column shows values that are close to 4, which is consistent with the expected behavior of the method. The NaN in the first row for the Error and Error_Ratio columns is expected because there is no previous step size to compare with for the first calculation.
You can refer to the following documentation to learn more about the "interp1" function: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/interp1.html.
I hope it helps!


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