writting down the code for the function

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Attached file has the function and here is my matlab code pasted below
function y = myFunction(x, n)
if n == 1
y = 4 * sin(x) / (25*x + sin(25));
y = 2 * tan(5*n) / bi;
% Define the values of x and n
n = 2;
% Call the function to calculate y
y = myFunction(x, n);
% Display the result

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-2-7
y = 4 * sin(x) / (25*x + sin(25));
That is not vectorized. It needs to be
y = 4 * sin(x) ./ (25*x + sin(25));
Also remember that the parameters to the trig functions are in radians . If you want degrees, use sind
  9 个评论
Bijaya 2024-2-8
The above modified one leads to following errors
Error using num2str
Input to num2str must be numeric.
Error in untitled523 (line 26)
disp(['Value of Bi:', num2str(Bi_value)]);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-2-8
Bi_value is symbolic, not numeric. You cannot num2str() it. You can char() it.



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