How can I generate multiple S11 parameters by modifying 2 or more dimensions of the antenna at the same time?

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How could I change 2 or more dimensions of the antenna and through the code generate the total number of s11 parameters corresponding to each modification
sobj=sparameters(d,linspace(3e9,5e9,51)); %to find out the S11 of the antenna d within a range of 3GHz to 5GHz
rfplot(sobj) %to plot the S11 parameters
change one side between [1.5] mm and generate each graph of parameter s11 corresponding to each change between 1 to 5 mm on that side of the antenna

回答(1 个)

Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya 2024-2-27
Hi Juan,
I see you are looking to generate multile S11 parameters by modifying more dimensions of the antenna at the same time.
To change multiple dimensions of the antenna and generate the total number of S11 parameters corresponding to each modification, you can use a loop in MATLAB.
Here's an workaround example code snippet:
% Define the range of dimension changes
dimension_changes = linspace(1, 5, 5); % Change between 1 to 5 mm
% Initialize an array to store the S11 parameters
s11_parameters = cell(length(dimension_changes), 1);
% Loop through each dimension change
for i = 1:length(dimension_changes)
% Modify the antenna dimensions
% (Replace this with your code to modify the antenna dimensions)
modified_antenna = modify_antenna(dimension_changes(i));
% Calculate the S11 parameters for the modified antenna
sobj = sparameters(modified_antenna, linspace(3e9, 5e9, 51));
% Store the S11 parameters in the array
s11_parameters{i} = sobj;
% Plot the S11 parameters
In this code, 'modify_antenna' is a function that takes the dimension change as input and modifies the antenna accordingly. You need to replace it with your own code to modify the antenna dimensions.
The 's11_parameters' array stores the S11 parameters for each dimension change. You can access the S11 parameters for a specific dimension change using indexing, e.g., 's11_parameters{1}' for the first dimension change.
I hope this helps!




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