based on geometric feature is disable in imported geometry in simscape multibody

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to create frames in Imported geometry to connect with another body. But the feature "based on geometric feature" is disable for all imported files in File solid block.


Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya 2024-2-26
Hi Pramod,
The 'based on geometric feature' option in Simscape Multibody is typically used to create frames based on the geometric features of the model. However, this option can be disabled for certain types of imported files.
One possible reason for this could be the type of file you’re importing. For instance, if you’re importing an STL file, the “based on geometric feature” option might be disabled. STL files are essentially a cloud of points and do not contain the features needed to assign frames. Frame locations and orientations in Simscape Multibody are defined relative to planes, lines, and surfaces, which are not available in STL files.
If you’re not using STL files and still facing this issue, it could be due to the version of Simscape (MATLAB) or SolidWorks you are using. Some versions might not support the ‘Entire Geometry’ feature. Consider upgrading to the latest version of the software.
Refer to the following MATLAB Answers to know about:
'based on geometric feature option is disabled':
'How to enable geometry block to imported CAD model in the Simscape':
Hope this helps.

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