How to create a new NETCDF file with an existing variable?

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a script in which I produced a 3D variable named "mask3", now I have to create a completely new NETCDF file in which I have to put this variable mask3. How could I do it? Thank you so much

回答(1 个)

Gayatri 2024-2-29
Hi Fabrizio,
To create a new NETCDF file and write 3D variable to it, you can use MATLAB's built-in functions for working with NETCDF files.
Here's an example MATLAB script that demonstrates this process:
% Example 3D variable 'mask3' with random data
mask3 = rand(50, 75, 20); % Replace with your actual data
[X, Y, Z] = size(mask3);
% Define the path and name of the new NETCDF file
filename = '';
% Create a new NETCDF file
ncid = netcdf.create(filename, 'NETCDF4');
% Define the dimensions in the NETCDF file
dimidX = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'X', X);
dimidY = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'Y', Y);
dimidZ = netcdf.defDim(ncid, 'Z', Z);
% Define the variable in the NETCDF file. Here we assume the data type of mask3 is double
varid = netcdf.defVar(ncid, 'mask3', 'double', [dimidX, dimidY, dimidZ]);
% Leave define mode
% Write the data to the variable
netcdf.putVar(ncid, varid, mask3);
netcdf.close(ncid); % Close the NETCDF file
This script will create a NETCDF file named "" in your current MATLAB directory containing the variable "mask3" with the random data.
If you want to verify the contents of the created file, you can use MATLAB's "ncdisp" function:
ncdisp(filename); %This will display the information about the NETCDF file, including dimensions, variables, and attributes.
Please refer the below documentation for "ncdisp" function:
I hope it helps!

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