failed Sourcery G++ Lite

104 次查看(过去 30 天)
azad 2024-2-28
Failed to download the third-party software:
Sourcery G++ Lite
This is required by:
Simulink Support Package for Parrot Minidrones
I'm getting this error when installing the mini drone package. I'm using Windows 11. I can't find a solution. does anyone know the solution?
My Matlab version is R2023B
  9 个评论
Enrico Raffone
Enrico Raffone 2024-3-18
I confirm the same problem...
Aarav 2024-3-28
was following brian douglas's matlab drone series... same problem :/


回答(2 个)

Thilo Leon Fischer
Thilo Leon Fischer 2024-3-13
编辑:Walter Roberson 2024-6-11
I opened a support ticket and the answer was:
"The website that hosts the third-party content, ( ), has been down now for several days now, which has prevented a number of Simulink Support Packages from being downloaded, including this one. I have made our development team aware of this to see if we can find a workaround during their outage. I will reach back out to you once I have have more information available. I appreciate your patience in the meantime."
It seems, we will have to wait until the original servers are back online or the development team provides a workaround.
  7 个评论
Mathias 2024-6-27
Thanks for the explanation and the links. Despite it is enlighting to know these dependencies but as a customer that is under software maintenance (for which I pay a remarkable annual fee for > 150 licenses) I expect the Mathworks team to solve this instead of solving this issue myself for Mathworks. As I understood it's a compiler toolchain that fails to download. There are several compiler toolchains available on the internet. I have several installed on my computers. At least I would expect a workaround that provides the download from a second source server for the meantime.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-6-27
The realistic solution for Mathworks would be to just delete Simulink Support Package for Parrot Minidrones . It is a free support package, which means that none of your software maintenance money is going towards it.


Rohit Kulkarni
Rohit Kulkarni 2024-3-13
Hi Azad,
In my understanding you are facing issues in downloading a third-party software package.
Please refer to the following MATLAB answer for a detailed explanation on this issue:
If you still face the issue, contact the MathWorks technical Support:


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