It seems like you're encountering problems with `siteviewer` in MATLAB because of a WebGL and OpenGL conflict.
You can follow the following steps to fix this issue:
- Force Software OpenGL: Add `-softwareopengl` to the MATLAB shortcut's target to default to software OpenGL.
- Update NVIDIA Drivers: Ensure your NVIDIA drivers are current to avoid compatibility issues.
- Address Incompatibility: Follow the workaround if you encounter library compatibility issues:
- Use MATLAB with Software OpenGL: If changing the graphics driver isn't an option, start MATLAB with from the Linux Terminal:
matlab -softwareopengl
To always start MATLAB in this mode, use the following in the MATLAB Command Window:
To revert, use:
If problems persist, try these workarounds:
Hardware OpenGL Renderer : Create a 'java.opts' file in MATLAB's start directory with:
Painters Renderer: Start MATLAB with the `-noopengl` option from the terminal:
matlab -noopengl
For further assistance, refer to these MathWorks Documentation links: