How to set and get value for a Data Store Memory.

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I would like to Read and Write in a Data Store Memory (DSM) with a Matlab function.
This matlab functions looks like :
  1. SetValue(GlobalVarName, NewValue)
  2. CurrentValue = GetValue(GlobalVarName)
The GlobalVarName shall be a string with the name of the DSM.
Currently, I have already created all my Simulink.Signal with the script, here an example:
  1. % Signal Vaux
  2. Vaux = Simulink.Signal;
  3. Vaux.Dimensions = 1;
  4. Vaux.Complexity = 'real';
  5. Vaux.DataType = 'double';
  6. Vaux.Description = '[Signal Vaux]; [Value = 0 to 20]; [Units = V]; ';
  7. Vaux.InitialValue = num2str(12);
In my Simulink Model, I use the block DSM Write in order to change the value Vaux.
I use a slider to change the value of a constant who are connected to my Vaux DSM.
But, now I would like to read a text file, with a set of value of Vaux, instead to use the slider.
I need to use the string name of the DSM to change its value because I have hundreds of values.
Can you help me?
  1 个评论
Patrick 2024-3-5
Here you are an example of what I would like to perform
  1. Run CreateSimSig.m
  2. Run TestDSM_RW.slx
Then take a look in the Matlab function, it's what I would like to perform...
Here the code:
function updateAndReadDSMValues(file_path)
% Load data from the Excel file
data = xlsread(file_path);
% Get the list of DSMs in the Simulink model
dsm_list = find_system(gcs, 'SearchDepth', 1, 'BlockType', 'DataStoreMemory');
% Iterate through each row in the Excel file
for i = 1:size(data, 1)
% Get the variable name and its value from the Excel file
variable_name = data(i, 2);
variable_value = data(i, 3);
% Check if the variable name corresponds to a DSM in the model
if ismember(variable_name, dsm_list)
% Update the value of the DSM with the new value
set_param(variable_name, 'Value', num2str(variable_value));
disp(['The value of DSM "', variable_name, '" has been updated to ', num2str(variable_value)]);
% Introduce a delay of 50 ms
% Read the value of the variable in column 4
variable_to_read = data(i, 4);
read_value = evalin('base', variable_to_read);
% Write the read value to column 6
data(i, 6) = read_value;
disp(['No DSM corresponding to the variable name "', variable_name, '" found in the model.']);
% Save the updated data back to the Excel file
xlswrite(file_path, data);



Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2024-3-13
  2 个评论
Patrick 2024-3-14
Thanks for your answer but this link explain how to use DSM but there is no explanation about to set or get value.
I just realized that DSM or Simulink .Signal are like communication media but have no value.
It is therefore necessary to act on the parameters or on the displays.
Here's what I do:
function SetValue()
path ='MyModel/C_Vaux'; % Where C_Vaux is the block parameter Constant connected to my DSM G_Vaux
h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(path,true);
set_param(h,'Value','13.5'); % Where Value is the value I want to set, 13.5 is the value I want to set
Same approach for GetValue
function GetValue()
path ='MyModel/C_Vaux'; % Where C_Vaux is the block parameter Constant connected to my DSM G_Vaux
h = getSimulinkBlockHandle(path,true);
disp (get_param(h,'Value'); % Where Value is the value I want to get
So it works, I can set/get value of my Simulink model from a text file during the simulation in order to test my use case.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2024-3-14
Simulink parameter and signal are two different things. It was not clear what was your modeling needs. The question goes directly to how to access DSM. To get/set the value of the Constant block, you can use a variable name and set its value in the base workspace. It is absolutely not necessary to use a MATLAB function or get_param() and set_param(). The DSM is probably not needed either.


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