How to measure three-phase angel(degree )

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to measure when three-phase source phase jump ,How do I measure it?

回答(1 个)

Vandit 2024-3-22
Hello Dondonsu,
You can refer to the following steps in order to measure three-phase angles in degrees and detect phase jumps :
  1. Use the "load" function to load the voltage or current waveform data from your three-phase source and preprocess the data which includes removing noise or filtering out unwanted frequencies.
  2. Calculate phase angles for each phase using the "atan2" function. Alternatively, if the data is already in polar form, utilize the "angle" function. Then, convert the phase angles from radians to degrees using the "rad2deg" function in MATLAB.
  3. Analyze the phase angle data to detect sudden changes or discontinuities that indicate phase jumps. You may use methods such as thresholding, peak detection, or statistical analysis to identify these events.
  4. Use appropriate MATLAB functions such as "diff" for differencing consecutive phase angles and "find" to identify sudden changes beyond a threshold.
  5. Determine the timestamps of the detected phase jumps relative to a reference point and visualize the results using MATLAB plotting functions such as "plot" or "stem" to provide a clear representation of the detected phase jumps.
To know more about "atan2" and "angle" functions in MATLAB, please refer to the following documention links:
Hope this helps.



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