I understand that you are unable to view the inherited colors from CAD model in Simscape Multibody.
The issue possibly might be in the way you are exporting your file. You can specify the format as Additive Manufacturing File (*.AMF), which lets you select export options that store the color and materials of the object.
In SOLIDWORKS 2022, a new feature was added to the General User Interface that allows users to use colors in SOLIDWORKS exported sketches. You may find this resource helpful - https://www.javelin-tech.com/blog/2023/07/how-to-use-colors-in-exported-sketches/
Also, you may find this link helpful which explains various methods to export colors from SOLIDWORKS - https://help.solidworks.com/2022/english/solidworks/sldworks/c_color_exported_sketch.htm
We also have several guidelines for exporting and importing CAD models into Simscape Multibody here - https://www.mathworks.com/help/sm/cad-import.html
Hope it helps!