Hi Mohammed,
From what I gather you want to ensure the working of signal processing correctly across different sampling speeds and aim to utilize Genetic Algorithms (GA) to optimize the selection of sample indices.
To accomplish this, you can consider following these steps and refer to the attached code snippets:
1. Create a signal based on given frequency and sampling rate and compute its continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to analyse its time-scale characteristics.
% Generate sine function for signal_high
signal_high = sin(2 * pi * frequency * t_high);
average_signal_high = mean(signal_high);
% Compute wavelet transform for the high sampling rate
scales = 1:64;
coefficients_high = cwt(signal_high, scales, 'db4');
2. Configure a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to find the optimal indices for down sampling. The GA aims to maximize the preservation of wavelet energy by selecting the best indices from ‘signal_high’.
% Define the fitness function
function energy_ratio = wavelet_energy_fitness(selected_indices, signal_high, scales, average_signal_high, duration, num_samples_low)
selected_indices = round(selected_indices);
selected_values = signal_high(selected_indices);
average_selected_values = mean(selected_values);
normalized_selected_values = selected_values - (average_selected_values - average_signal_high);
% Interpolate to match the length of t_low
t_low = linspace(0, duration, num_samples_low);
normalized_selected_values_interp = interp1(linspace(0, duration, length(normalized_selected_values)), normalized_selected_values, t_low, 'linear', 'extrap');
% Compute wavelet transform for low sampling rate
coefficients_low = cwt(normalized_selected_values_interp, scales, 'db4');
coefficients_high = cwt(signal_high, scales, 'db4');
energy_ratio = zeros(1, length(scales));
for i = 1:length(scales)
energy_ratio(i) = sum(abs(coefficients_low(i, :)).^2) / sum(abs(coefficients_high(i, :)).^2);
energy_ratio = -mean(energy_ratio);
3. Use the GA to determine the optimal indices ‘selected_indices_opt’. Select and normalize these indices from ‘signal_high’ to create a down sampled signal ‘signal_low_opt’.
% Use the GA to find optimal indices
num_samples_high = length(signal_high);
[selected_indices_opt, fval] = ga(@(indices) wavelet_energy_fitness(indices, signal_high, scales, average_signal_high, duration, num_samples_low), ...
num_samples_low, [], [], [], [], ...
ones(1, num_samples_low), num_samples_high * ones(1, num_samples_low), ...
[], options);
% Construct signal_low using optimal indices
selected_values_opt = signal_high(round(selected_indices_opt));
average_selected_values_opt = mean(selected_values_opt);
normalized_selected_values_opt = selected_values_opt - (average_selected_values_opt - average_signal_high);
For better understanding, you can refer to the output below:
For more insights, kindly refer to the documentation links below:
- ‘cwt’ function: https://www.mathworks.com/help/wavelet/ref/cwt.html
- ‘optimoptions’ function: https://www.mathworks.com/help/optim/ug/optim.problemdef.optimizationproblem.optimoptions.html
- ‘ga’ function: https://www.mathworks.com/help/gads/ga.html
- ‘interp1’ function: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/interp1.html
Hope this helps!