Is there a MATLAB's supercomputer the registered user can use to run numerical simulations?

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Basically, the question from the title. I have time-consuming PC-heavy computations to do as part of my academic research. I am testing various cases. I have already optimized the code, but still, it takes days. I have a university-licenced MATLAB and a personal PC. Is there a MATLAB's supercomputer the registered user can use to run numerical simulations?
  2 个评论
Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya 2024-3-22
MATLAB itself does not provide a supercomputer for registered users to run numerical simulations. But, MATLAB support distributed and parallel computing, which allows you to use additional hardware resources if they are available.
If your university has a supercomputer, you can potentially use it to run your MATLAB code. You would need to check with your university’s IT department or the supercomputer’s administrator for the specific steps to access and use the supercomputer.
You can also use MATLAB’s Parallel Computing Toolbox, which lets you execute MATLAB code on multiple cores or processors. The toolbox supports parallel for-loops (parfor), batch parallel processing, and distributed arrays.
If you’re having with very large datasets or complex computations, you can use MATLAB’s Distributed Computing Server. However, this requires additional licensing and setup.
Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris 2024-3-23
To add onto @Manikanta Aditya's comment, you might contact MathWorks Support to see if we know of your university's HPC team -- we work with quite a few of them already -- we might be able to put you in touch with your's (if you do, mention your posting and Support can reach me directly).


回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-3-22
You can use Amazon Web Services, or Azure
  3 个评论



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