How to keep Excel format when using writematrix?

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am working on an app in AppDesigner and I want to export some data in an Excel file. This Excel file is already formatted and prepared for further export (e.g. PDF etc.). When I use the callback (button) in the app to export to Excel using the writematrix command, the data is stored correctly in my Excel sheet. However, Matlab overwrites the cell formatting, especially the column width. So now the Excel sheet is not useable for export and has to be changed again. Is there a way to store the data without altering the format of the cells and to keep the column width? Am I missing something in the writematrix command?
  3 个评论
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2024-3-27
So, the data is text i.e. either string or char array(s)?
"Is there a way to store the data without altering the format of the cells and to keep the column width?"


回答(1 个)

Johannes 2024-3-27
移动:Dyuman Joshi 2024-3-27
The option 'AutoFitWidth',0 worked for me, thank you!




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