MATLAB parallel computing beyond 8 cores causing OS to crash
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Im running on a linux box using PoP-OS. It has 24 cores avaiable - we specifcally got it to run parallel toolbox MATLAB. When I set the parallel toolbox profiler to test and verfiy anything more than 8 cores - the computer will randomly select a core that causes the entire operating system to crash. Even if I select 10 out of 24 cores to use, the CPU can get a hard restart. There appears to be some kind of bug in the MATLAB parallel computing toolbox.
Any thoughts on what I should look into fixing this?
2 个评论
Damian Pietrus
Hey Cyrus,
I have a few questions to hopefully provided some more context. Could you let me know what version of MATLAB you're using, as well as the type of processor you have? I'm specifically interested if it has performance/efficiency cores. I'm also curious when this issue occurs. Is it right when you open a pool of 8+ workers, or when you're running specific code?
You can also reach out to our support team at They can help look at any crash logs.
回答(1 个)
You can try disabling Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation in the Java startup options. To do this, create a "java.opts" file in the "matlabroot/bin/glnxa64" folder (where "matlabroot" is the MATLAB installation folder), if there isn't already a "java.opts" file present. Then, include the following option in the "java.opts" file:
You can refer to the following MathWorks documentation for more information on Java Startup options:
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