Hey Ahmad,
As per my understanding, coral TPU only supports "TensorFlow Lite" models. Since you have already trained a "Faster R-CNN" model in MATLAB, export your model along with weights and architecture. Please refer to the following documentation for exporting a deep neural network to "TensorFlow":
You may also refer to the File Exchange submission by MathWorks for converting a network or a layergraph as a "TensorFlow" model:
Convert the "TensorFlow" model into "TensorFlow Lite" using "TensorFlow Lite" Converter and compile it using "Edge TCU compiler".
After that you can call python in MATLAB using "pyrun" function:
You can also import the "TensorFlow Lite" model in MATLAB using "loadTFLiteModel": https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ref/loadtflitemodel.html
You may also use the Interface for the "TensorFlow Lite" by MathWorks as provided on the File Exchange:
I hope this helps!