Battery pack(battery builder app) to SOC estimator connection issue

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
The input signal to 'Input Port 2' of subsystem 'BatterypackSOCSOHCHARGEDISCHARGE/SOC Estimator (Adaptive Kalman Filter)' has a size of 4 for dimension 1. Given the partition width 1 and the partition offset 0 for this input, subsystem 'BatterypackSOCSOHCHARGEDISCHARGE/SOC Estimator (Adaptive Kalman Filter)' requires 4 iterations. This requirement conflicts with 1, the number of iterations expected by another input/output signal of this subsystem.
I am getting this error as i have build battery pack from battery builder and connecting the block shows this error. check image

回答(1 个)

Sabin 2024-4-9
By default, the SOC Estimator blocks do not allow a vector of currents input. To enable cell currents as inputs you need to tick the ‘Specify Current input as cell current(s)’ in the SOC Estimator block mask.


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