i can run vtol example

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
hamed farajzadeh
hamed farajzadeh 2024-4-9
i want to run vtol example but i cant . i allways recive this error:
=== Simulation (Elapsed: 38 sec) ===
Error:Variant control 'TestMode==1' used by block 'VTOLTiltrotor/Guidance Test Bench/ControlType' must return a logical value.
Caused by:
Unrecognized function or variable 'TestMode'.
Variable 'TestMode' does not exist.
Suggested Actions:
Load a file into base workspace.
Create a new variable.
Error:Variant control 'TestMode==0' used by block 'VTOLTiltrotor/Guidance Test Bench/ControlType' must return a logical value.
Caused by:
Unrecognized function or variable 'TestMode'.
Variable 'TestMode' does not exist.
Suggested Actions:
Load a file into base workspace.
Create a new variable.
what can i do?

回答(1 个)

Piyush Kumar
Piyush Kumar 2024-7-24
Please define "TestMode" variable in the base workspace and run the Simulation again.
TestMode = 1; % depending on your needs, may be 0
If you are trying to tune Control Design for VTOL UAV in Hover Configuration, please check this link.


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