Matlab Job Scheduler Access Denied to computation nodes

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have been running the particle swarm optimization algorithm using parallel server.
My configuration is as follows: : Host : Compute node 1 (120 cores) : Compute node 2 (120 cores)
My code has been running fine with no problem for about 2 weeks, but at some point it stopped working.
The symptom is as follows:
I initiate the system using the Admin Center app. It works fine as follows:
Then, I start the parallel pool on matlab (by clicking at the left bottom corner of the matlab)
After this, the computation nodes and their the parallel workers in the Admin Center app disappears.
It throws out the following error when I try to start the mjs on the compute nodes:
I turned of all firewalls, and also turned off the UAC to fix this issue, but no effect.
Error on machine
Unable to execute command 'install' on the MATLAB Parallel Server Remote Execution Service on host:, which is required for managing the mjs service. You do not have sufficient permissions to create services on the remote host. You must be a member of the Administrators group on this host. Output from sc.exe:
[SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 5:
Access is denied.
Error on machine
Unable to execute command 'install' on the MATLAB Parallel Server Remote Execution Service on host:, which is required for managing the mjs service. You do not have sufficient permissions to create services on the remote host. You must be a member of the Administrators group on this host. Output from sc.exe:
[SC] OpenSCManager FAILED 5:
Access is denied.
Your kind assitance will be greatly appreciated.


Joseph Eom
Joseph Eom 2024-4-17
编辑:Joseph Eom 2024-4-17
I support this customer offline. The problem was solved.
There are great documentation to check for each step.
Parallel Server requirements check
Guidance for OS consistency
Firewall configuration
License requirements
  1 个评论
Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo 2024-4-17
Thank you so much @Joseph Eom for the service!
For external users: If you need installation support from MathWorks, please contact install support team as a first step via the link below.


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