How do I change the Font of a Test Assessment block?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am pretty sure the answer as of R2021a is "you can't", but this is a feature that is sorely lacking, if true. I want to change the font of my Test Assessment block, specifically the individual states inside the test sequence. As a typical text-based programmer by training, when I am writing up a bunch of code, I want to align the code for ease of reading.
This is ugly:
spiIn = uint8(zeros(32, 1));
spiInDLC = uint16(0);
spiErrorIn = false;
spiBusyIn = false;
This is not:
spiIn = uint8(zeros(32, 1));
spiInDLC = uint16(0);
spiErrorIn = false;
spiBusyIn = false;
And without the option to switch to a monospaced font, I am stuck with the former for all of my Test Assessment blocks, no matter how complex they get. And trust me, when you're testing the behavior of something using SPI, it gets real ugly real fast.


Pat Canny
Pat Canny 2024-4-12
I followed up with the Simulink Test team on your question. Unfortunately, as you assumed, this is not possible.
I have documented your request, and thank you for your feedback.
  1 个评论
Dana Schwanke
Dana Schwanke 2024-4-12
It's really strange that this feature doesn't exist, because as I discovered in my answer here, Test Assessment blocks are an undocumented type of Stateflow chart. All the team would have needed to do is keep the StateFont and TransitionFont object properties implemented and I would have been able to change the font the same way I do for other charts.


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