Converting a given set of values into a matrix format in MATLAB can be done in various ways depending on the structure of the input data. Below are different scenarios and their corresponding solutions:1. Converting a Vector to a Matrix
If you have a vector and you want to reshape it into a matrix, you can use the reshape function.
% Given vector
vector = 1:12;
% Convert to a 3x4 matrix
matrix = reshape(vector, 3, 4);
2. Converting a Cell Array to a Matrix
If you have a cell array of numerical values, you can convert it to a matrix using cell2mat.
% Given cell array
cellArray = {1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9};
% Convert to a matrix
matrix = cell2mat(cellArray);
3. Converting a Table to a Matrix
If you have a table, you can convert it to a matrix using table2array.
% Given table
T = table([1; 4; 7], [2; 5; 8], [3; 6; 9], 'VariableNames', {'A', 'B', 'C'});
% Convert to a matrix
matrix = table2array(T);
4. Converting a Struct to a Matrix
If you have a struct array, you can extract the fields and convert them to a matrix.
% Given struct array
S(1).A = 1; S(1).B = 2; S(1).C = 3;
S(2).A = 4; S(2).B = 5; S(2).C = 6;
S(3).A = 7; S(3).B = 8; S(3).C = 9;
% Convert to a matrix
matrix = cell2mat(struct2cell(S))';
5. Converting Text Data to a Matrix
If you have text data (e.g., from a file), you can read it and then convert it to a matrix.
% Given text data (as a string for this example)
textData = '1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9';
% Convert to a matrix
data = sscanf(textData, '%f');
matrix = reshape(data, 3, 3)';