i'm creating a graphic with contourf. And I wanted to correct the scale, by making X and Y referring to 2 files with the right scale.

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Everything works, except the scale, it was not good so I want to say to my programm :
Use Excor.csv and Emcor.csv as abscissa and ordinate for the graphic. But for some reasons it won't work, Emcor and Excor are a multiple line * 2 coloms and the other files are multiple lines * multiples coloms files. I know it's a problem, so I added r=th meshgrid thing to correct it but it won't work.
Here is my whole program :
Everything that is in Black like that : Black is something that I added to correct the scale problem.
function plot_EEM_post_treatment(~)
addpath('C:\Users\antonin.gauchy\Documents\Antonin\Matlab Antonin\Script');
% Plot EEM post treatment data
% You have to manually select the folder that contains your data
% Make sure to select the right folder
folderPath = uigetdir('C:\Users\antonin.gauchy\Documents\THESIS\EEMs\Test_matlab\MARNE_0204','');
%load the emcor and excor data
emcor_data = readmatrix('C:\Users\antonin.gauchy\Documents\THESIS\EEMs\Test_matlab\Marne_0204\Res_RU\Emcor.csv');
excor_data = readmatrix('C:\Users\antonin.gauchy\Documents\THESIS\EEMs\Test_matlab\Marne_0204\Res_RU\Excor.csv');
emcor_values = emcor_data(1 : 150, 1)';
excor_values = excor_data(1 : 72, 1)';
% List every CSV file founded in the specified folder
fileList = dir(fullfile(folderPath, '*.csv'));
% Make sure that the code found the CSV
if isempty(fileList)
error('Aucun fichier CSV trouvé dans le dossier spécifié.');
% Counter for the number of CSV files processed
counter = 0;
% Loop to process each CSV file
for i = 1:min(length(fileList), 6)
% Import CSV file as a matrix
filePath = fullfile(folderPath, fileList(i).name);
data = readmatrix(filePath);
% Create X and Y coordinate grids corresponding to the size of data
[X,Y] = meshgrid(emcor_values, excor_values);
% Create a contourf plot
% Add a color bar
colormap(redwhiteblue(-1, 1));
h = colorbar;
% Specify the scale of the color bar
clim([0 1]);
% Add a name to the color bar
ylabel(h, 'Intensity (RU)');
% Add a title for the spectrum and labels for the axis
title(['Spectre de fluorescence 3D ', fileList(i).name]);
xlabel('λEx. (nm)');
ylabel('λEm. (nm)');
% Increment counter
counter = counter + 1;
% Loop through all CSV files found for plotting differences
for i = 1:6
% Import pairs of CSV files
filePath1 = fullfile(folderPath, fileList(i).name);
data1 = readmatrix(filePath1);
filePath2 = fullfile(folderPath, fileList(i+1).name);
data2 = readmatrix(filePath2);
% Calculate the difference
diff_data = data1 - data2;
% Create a contourf plot with the difference
colormap(redwhiteblue(-1, 1));
% Add a color bar and name it
h = colorbar;
ylabel(h, 'Intensity (RU)');
% Specify the scale of the color bar
clim([-1 1]);
% Add a title to the spectrum and axis labels
title(['Différence entre les Spectres de fluorescence 3D ', fileList(i).name, ' et ', fileList(i+1).name]);
xlabel('λEx (nm)');
ylabel('λEm (nm)');
I'm sorry but I'm a beginner to matlab and I've mostly used what I found online and didn't really create it myself so I 'm very counfused.

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