Simscape Probe block "unable to find elements to connect in selection"?
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Simscape Probe block "unable to find elements to connect in selection", when applying to Heat Exchanger (TL-TL) block, as shown in the image below. I've checked using the Simscape online version and it works on there, just doesn't want to work on any of the blocks in my model.
Does anyone know why it might not be working?
Thanks, Willis.
回答(1 个)
Hello Willis,
I have noticed your issue with using the Simscape Probe block on the Heat Exchanger (TL-TL) block, and it appears it is not functioning as anticipated.
It looks like you have encountered a bug, particularly with the R2021a version. To resolve this, consider updating your MATLAB to the most recent version, or you might want to try using MATLAB online as an alternative solution.
Thank you!
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