ADALM Pluto Sdr Configuration Problems

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello guys,
Hello. I am trying to configure ADALM PLUTO on my computer, but it stuck like this, what should I do? When installing the toolbox, it installs without any problems, but it freezes at this step.Pls help

回答(1 个)

Ganapathi Subramanian R
Hi Elif,
I understand that your MATLAB hangs when configuring ADALM Pluto 9364 with MATLAB using 'configurePlutoRadio' function.
The 'configurePlutoRadio' function searches each of the COM ports sequentially until it finds a port connected to a qualifying Pluto device. It sometimes hangs indefinitely when checking certain COM ports, depending on the type of device connected to that port.
To resolve this issue, kindly disable the problematic COM port(s) in Windows Device Manager. Please refer to the radio configuration manager log file to identify the problematic COM port. This file is located at the following file location: C:\Users\WINUSER\AppData\Local\Temp\mathworks_plutoradio_MLUSER.log.
Here, "WINUSER" is your Windows account username, and "MLUSER" is the MathWorks Account ID associated with your MATLAB license. The file will begin with the text "Radio Configuration manager log:".


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