MATLAB Function Coder error

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
岡本 善樹
岡本 善樹 2024-4-29
Does anyone know how to resolve this error?
「Cannot call function.」
「During code generation, the integer input or result class of TYPECAST must map directly to C types on the target hardware. Class uint64 does not map to 64-bit C types.」

回答(1 个)

3TEN 2024-5-1
Maybe, this answer will help to solve your problem.
You should change the setting of "Simulink Coder".
You should switch the setting about "long long type" from "off" to "on".
I hope my answer will help you to solve your problem.
  1 个评论
岡本 善樹
岡本 善樹 2024-5-3
Thank you for your answer.
I already tried that method but it didn't work.



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