Hi Nethesh,
It appears that the issues you're encountering are related to a corrupted installation and problems with graphics drivers. To address these concerns, I recommend the following troubleshooting steps:
- To address potential graphics issues, start by launching MATLAB with software OpenGL. If Simulink works as intended, then it suggests that the root of the problem lies with the system's graphic drivers. Refer to the documentation https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_plots/resolving-low-level-graphics-issues.html to learn about low level graphics issues
- Conflicts or issues within your MATLAB path might be interfering with Simulink's loading process. To eliminate this possibility, reset your MATLAB path to its default settings using the restoredefaultpath function, followed by savepath to save the changes.
- Simulink caches search results to speed up the quick insert feature. Clearing Simulink's cache might help. (Refer to the MATLAB Answer https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1448564-can-t-delete-the-cache-folders-created-by-simulink?s_tid=srchtitle , to learn about clearing cache).
- If the issues persist, they might be related to the user interface or other deeper installation problems. In such cases, a fresh reinstall of MATLAB could resolve the issues.
If none of the above solutions work,I highly recommend reaching out to MathWorks Technical Support for a more in-depth investigation into the issue.
To contact the MathWorks technical support,please refer to the following link: