I understand that you're using MATLAB's `webread` function to fetch updated data from an API but are receiving stale data despite backend updates.
As a workaround you can try the following steps:
1. Cache Issue: Append a unique query parameter to bypass potential caching, using the current timestamp as a cache buster.
cacheBuster = posixtime(datetime('now'));
url = sprintf('https://us-central1-techspardha-87928.cloudfunctions.net/api2/events/description?eventCategory=Programming&eventName=Productathon&cb=%d', cacheBuster);
data = webread(url)
2. Headers Adjustment: Use `weboptions` to set `Cache-Control: no-cache` in the request header.
options = weboptions('HeaderFields', {'Cache-Control','no-cache'});
url = 'https://us-central1-techspardha-87928.cloudfunctions.net/api2/events/description?eventCategory=Programming&eventName=Productathon';
data = webread(url, options)
3. Ensure the server's caching policies are correctly configured to serve the latest data.
Refer to the following MathWorks Documentation for more details:
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/webread.html
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/weboptions.html