How to draw an histogram?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Prince 2024-5-7
I have two set of data in which i Know the frequencies of both. How do I draw the histograms of the two set of data on the same graph?

回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024-5-8
So you know the bin edges and the bin counts? Call histogram with 'BinEdges' and 'BinCounts' along with the vectors of bin edges and bin counts.
binedges = (1:5).^2; % let's use some non-uniformly spaced edges
bincounts = [33 62 17 50]; % arbitrary values
histogram('BinEdges', binedges, 'BinCounts', bincounts)
To put multiple graphs on the same axes, use the hold function.


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