Loaded quaternion but still cannot find slerp

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
After installing the Sensor Fusion toolbox, Matlab reopens. I used the following code:
q1 = quaternion([75,-20,-10],"eulerd","ZYZ","frame");
q2 = quaternion([-45,20,30],"eulerd","ZYZ","frame");
T = 0.5;
b = slerp(q1,q2,T);
But MATLAB returns error:
Unrecognized function or variable 'slerp'.
When I look it up, the only posts say quaternion must be loaded, and it is indeed loaded since I can see Quaternion objects for q1 and q2. Then, I also installed navigation toolbox, but the problem remains.
  3 个评论
Zhangxi Feng
Zhangxi Feng 2024-5-16
q1 = quaternion([75,-20,-10],"eulerd","ZYZ","frame")
q2 = quaternion([-45,20,30],"eulerd","ZYZ","frame")
T = 0.5;
b = slerp(q1,q2,T);
which -all quaternion
whos q1 q2
which -all slerp(q1,q2,T)
q1 = quaternion
size: 1 x 3
Error using horzcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in quaternion/display (line 5)
d = [q.a(:),q.b(:),q.c(:),q.d(:)];
Error in quaternion/display (line 17)
I installed another aerospace toolbox since then, and now this is the error, I can't even create the quaternion anymore. But I think you are correct. I have the MTEX library and the quaternion was created from MTEX instead of from the MATLAB toolboxes. Is there a way to specify which toolbox to use, or do I have to disable MTEX when I need to do this?



Zhangxi Feng
Zhangxi Feng 2024-5-16
Thanks to @Steven Lord, I realized that another externally installed library, MTEX, is causing the issue. I disabled MTEX and now it is solved.

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