Park and clarke transformation inconsistencies

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am running a simulink model of a PMSM where I transform the three phase currents to the dq frame, afterwards I transform it back to the abc frame and lastly I transform it again to dq frame. In the last transformation I found that the d current is inconsistent with the one of the first step while the q current remains the same. I have checked all the transformation blocks and seem correct. Has any of you experienced this before?
Thanks in advance.

回答(1 个)

Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel 2024-9-3
the model wasn't shared so I'll have to speculate here: If the d/q transforms are providng strange results, it is likely that they are not set to the same axis. There are many d/q transfromer blocks in different libraries so it is easy to mix them up such that they aren't using the exact same reference frame.


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