how aggregate duraration and sum it in timetable

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it's a timetable and i want to sum all duration equal:
04/01/2010 2202 1.23
05/01/2010 2202 1.26
i want this:
duration value
22:02 2.49 (1.23+1.26)


the cyclist
the cyclist 2024-5-27
编辑:the cyclist 2024-5-27
Here is one way:
TT2.timeOfDay = timeofday(TT2.datt);
equalDurationSum = groupsummary(TT2,"timeOfDay","sum")
equalDurationSum = 657x3 table
timeOfDay GroupCount sum_close1 _________ __________ __________ 00:01:00 3 3542 00:02:00 3 3542.2 00:03:00 2 2370.8 00:04:00 3 3542 00:05:00 2 2357.5 00:06:00 2 2357.5 00:07:00 2 2357.8 00:08:00 2 2370.8 00:09:00 2 2357.5 00:10:00 2 2357.2 00:11:00 3 3541.2 00:12:00 3 3541.5 00:13:00 2 2357.5 00:14:00 2 2357.8 00:15:00 3 3542 00:16:00 3 3542

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