I have created a test harness of a subsystem I intend on testing. I have created a test sequence using Excel and I am trying to import the file into the Signal Editor. However I am getting the following error (See ImportError.jpg).
This is the first harness I have created, and I opened the Signal Editor within it. When I have used the Signal Editor in the past and imported Excel test sequences it was from within a seperate .slx file and not from within a test harness. Not sure if this is an issue or not?
When the harness was created the main model compiled with the following data types (See ModelDataTypes.jpg).
I have created the matching data types in the Excel file, but admittedly this is the first time I am using a bus hirarchy for one of the input signals (See ExcelDataTypes.jpg). Note: I have removed the actual names of the signals, and have identifed the column which is the bus signal.
When I check the Inport Block Parameters of the inputs within the test harness and check the Signal Attributes I observe the following;
- ufix2 data type from compiled model is changed to fixdt('ufix2') in the test harness (See ufix2.jpg)
- ufix3 data type from compiled model is changed to fixdt('ufix3') in the test harness
- boolean from the compiled model is the same in the test harness (See boolean.jpg)
- The boolean data type uses different port dimensions, however the only one that is different is the one which has the signal coming from a bus hirarchy, so I assume this is ok? (See boolean_Dimensions.jpg)
I am unsure if my problem could be due to the fixdt('ufix2') data types within the harness, and I have not tried to change them to match the data types from the compiled model and the Excel file.
Also, I have further uncertainty in relation to the port dimensions. Should these be changed in the harness to (-1 for inherited), or should they remain as they currently are?
Any help and/or advice as to what to try will be greatly appreciated.