How can I solve this problem?
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load wine.mat;%载入数据
train_wine = [wine(1:30,:);wine(60:95,:);wine(131:153,:)];%第一类的1-30,第二类60-95,第三类131-153作为训练集
train_wine_labels = [wine_labels(1:30);wine_labels(60:95);wine_labels(131:153)];%提取标签
test_wine = [wine(31:59,:);wine(96:130,:);wine(154:178,:)];%剩下样本作为测试集
test_wine_labels = [wine_labels(31:59);wine_labels(96:130);wine_labels(154:178)];%提取相应标签
[mtrain,ntrain] = size(train_wine);
[mtest,ntest] = size(test_wine);%数据预处理,归一化
datatest = [train_wine;test_wine];
[dataset_scale,ps] = mapminmax(dataset',0,1);
dataset_scale = dataset_scale';
train_wine = dataset_scale(1:mtrain,:);
test_wine = dataset_scale((mtrain+1):(mtrain+mtest),:);
model = svmtrain(train_wine_labels,train_wine,'-c 2 -g 1');
[predict_label,accuracy] = svmpredict(test_wine_labels,test_wine,model);
函数或变量 'wine_labels' 无法识别。
Function or variable ‘wine_labels’ is not recognised.
3 个评论
Fangjun Jiang
Do you have variable "wine_labels" in the wine.mat file? Double check the variable name, or attach your wine.mat file
After looking at the code snippet and the MAT file you shared, I noticed that the 'wine.mat' file does not have a column called 'wine_labels'. It seems like you're extracting all the 13 columns of rows 1 to 30, 60 to 95 and 131 to 153 from 'wine' and storing it in 'train_wine'. However, you're facing an error when you try to run this line:
train_wine_labels = [wine_labels(1:30);wine_labels(60:95);wine_labels(131:153)];
This is because there is no variable/data in the workspace named 'wine_labels'. It is possible that you are missing out on loading another MAT file named 'wine_labels' which would ideally be a vector of dimension 178x1, containining the predictions corresponding to the input parameters in 'wine.mat'. Loading or creating the 'wine_labels' vector should resolve this error.
Hope this helps!
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