Plotting the Evolution of Spatially Localized Initial Conditions for Discrete Klein-Gordon Equation

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Now we examine the role of damping in the structure of the branches of equilibrium points. In this study, we consider localized initial conditions of the form:
where is the distance between the nodes, and is the amplitude. We assume zero initial velocity
We also note that if we consider an infinite chain, the initial conditions $(1)$ satisfy the Dirichlet boundary conditions only asymptotically. However, since the smallest half-length of the chain has been set to $ L/2 = 100$, the error is of the order of $ 10^{-44} $, which does not affect numerical computations.
The figure shows the dynamics of the initial condition (1) for parameters: and . In the first image of Figure, we observe the profile of the initial condition.
The subsequent images show the dynamics of the system for different values of the damping force . For , the convergence takes place at the equilibrium point which is the basic state.
I want to create the red and the blue plots
Now I have tried but as you can see the result are different. What should I change?
% Parameters
L = 200; % Length of the system
K = 99; % Number of spatial points
omega_d = 1; % Characteristic frequency
beta = 1; % Nonlinearity parameter
delta_values = [0.1, 0.05, 0.01]; % Damping coefficients
% Spatial grid
h = L / (K + 1);
n = linspace(-L/2, L/2, K+1); % Spatial points
N = length(n);
omegaDScaled = h * omega_d;
% Time parameters
dt = 1; % Time step
tmax = 3000; % Maximum time
tspan = 0:dt:tmax; % Time vector
% Values of amplitude 'a' to iterate over
a_values = [2]; % Initial amplitude for the initial condition plot
% Differential equation solver function
function dYdt = odefun(~, Y, N, h, omegaDScaled, deltaScaled, beta)
U = Y(1:N);
Udot = Y(N+1:end);
Uddot = zeros(size(U));
% Laplacian (discrete second derivative)
for k = 2:N-1
Uddot(k) = (U(k+1) - 2 * U(k) + U(k-1)) ;
% System of equations
dUdt = Udot;
dUdotdt = Uddot - deltaScaled * Udot + omegaDScaled^2 * (U - beta * U.^3);
% Pack derivatives
dYdt = [dUdt; dUdotdt];
% Create a figure for subplots
% Loop through each value of 'delta' and generate the plot
for i = 1:length(delta_values)
delta = delta_values(i);
deltaScaled = h * delta;
a = a_values(1);
% Initial conditions
U0 = a * sech(-L/2 + n*h); % Initial displacement
U0(1) = 0; % Boundary condition at n = 0
U0(end) = 0; % Boundary condition at n = K+1
Udot0 = zeros(size(U0)); % Initial velocity
% Pack initial conditions
Y0 = [U0, Udot0];
% Solve ODE
opts = odeset('RelTol', 1e-5, 'AbsTol', 1e-6);
[t, Y] = ode45(@(t, Y) odefun(t, Y, N, h, omegaDScaled, deltaScaled, beta), tspan, Y0, opts);
% Extract solutions
U = Y(:, 1:N);
Udot = Y(:, N+1:end);
% Plot final displacement profile
subplot(2, 2, i+1);
plot(n, U(end,:), 'b.-', 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'MarkerSize', 10); % Line and marker plot
xlabel('$x_n$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('$U_n$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
title(['$t=3000$, $\delta=', num2str(delta), '$'], 'Interpreter', 'latex');
set(gca, 'FontSize', 12, 'FontName', 'Times');
xlim([-L/2 L/2]);
ylim([-2 2]);
grid on;
% Initial plot
subplot(2, 2, 1);
a_init = 2; % Example initial amplitude for the initial condition plot
U0_init = a_init * sech(-L/2 + n*h); % Initial displacement
U0_init(1) = 0; % Boundary condition at n = 0
U0_init(end) = 0; % Boundary condition at n = K+1
plot(n, U0_init, 'r.-', 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'MarkerSize', 10); % Line and marker plot
xlabel('$x_n$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('$U_n$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
title('$t=0$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
set(gca, 'FontSize', 12, 'FontName', 'Times');
xlim([-L/2 L/2]);
ylim([-3 3]);
grid on;
% Adjust layout
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1200, 900]); % Adjust figure size as needed


Athanasios Paraskevopoulos
% Parameters
L = 200; % Length of the system
K = 99; % Number of spatial points
omega_d = 1; % Characteristic frequency
beta = 1; % Nonlinearity parameter
delta_values = [0.1, 0.05, 0.01]; % Damping coefficients
% Spatial grid
h = L / (K + 1);
n = linspace(-L/2, L/2, K+2); % Spatial points
N = length(n);
omegaDScaled = h * omega_d;
% Time parameters
dt = 1; % Time step
tmax = 3000; % Maximum time
tspan = 0:dt:tmax; % Time vector
% Values of amplitude 'a' to iterate over
a_values = [1]; % Initial amplitude for the initial condition plot
% Differential equation solver function
function dYdt = odefun(~, Y, N, h, omegaDScaled, deltaScaled, beta)
U = Y(1:N);
Udot = Y(N+1:end);
Uddot = zeros(size(U));
% Laplacian (discrete second derivative)
for k = 2:N-1
Uddot(k) = (U(k+1) - 2 * U(k) + U(k-1)) ;
% System of equations
dUdt = Udot;
dUdotdt = Uddot - deltaScaled * Udot + omegaDScaled^2 * (U - beta * U.^3);
% Pack derivatives
dYdt = [dUdt; dUdotdt];
% Create a figure for subplots
% Loop through each value of 'delta' and generate the plot
for i = 1:length(delta_values)
delta = delta_values(i);
deltaScaled = h * delta;
a = a_values(1);
% Initial conditions
U0 = a * sech( n*h); % Initial displacement
U0(1) = 0; % Boundary condition at n = 0
U0(end) = 0; % Boundary condition at n = K+1
Udot0 = zeros(size(U0)); % Initial velocity
% Pack initial conditions
Y0 = [U0, Udot0];
% Solve ODE
opts = odeset('RelTol', 1e-5, 'AbsTol', 1e-6);
[t, Y] = ode45(@(t, Y) odefun(t, Y, N, h, omegaDScaled, deltaScaled, beta), tspan, Y0, opts);
% Extract solutions
U = Y(:, 1:N);
Udot = Y(:, N+1:end);
% Plot final displacement profile
subplot(2, 2, i+1);
plot(n, U(end,:), 'b.-', 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'MarkerSize', 10); % Line and marker plot
xlabel('$x_n$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('$U_n$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
title(['$t=3000$, $\delta=', num2str(delta), '$'], 'Interpreter', 'latex');
set(gca, 'FontSize', 12, 'FontName', 'Times');
xlim([-L/2 L/2]);
ylim([-2 2]);
grid on;
% Initial plot
subplot(2, 2, 1);
a_init = 1; % Example initial amplitude for the initial condition plot
U0_init = a_init * sech( n*h); % Initial displacement
U0_init(1) = 0; % Boundary condition at n = 0
U0_init(end) = 0; % Boundary condition at n = K+1
plot(n, U0_init, 'r.-', 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'MarkerSize', 10); % Line and marker plot
xlabel('$x_n$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
ylabel('$U_n$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
title('$t=0$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
set(gca, 'FontSize', 12, 'FontName', 'Times');
xlim([-L/2 L/2]);
ylim([-3 3]);
grid on;
% Adjust layout
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 1200, 900]); % Adjust figure size as needed

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