Avoid deleting of datatip when clicking on marker

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
When creating a datatip DT, it is deleted when I click on the marker without moving the DT.
h = plot(rand(100,1));
DT = datatip(h,'DataIndex',22);
Now, clicking on the marker of the DT without moving this, will delete the DT when releasing the mouse-button. Important: I still want to be able to move the DT, it should just not be deleted when clicking on it without moving it.
Is there a simple way of preventing this from happening? I implemented a solution using listeners and undocumented stuff, but I was wondering if there is a simple solution that I'm just missing.


Sebastian Hölz
Sebastian Hölz 2024-6-12
OK, here my solution which allows to move the DT, allows deleting the DT via contextmenu and restores it when being deleted by clicking on the DT. I don't quite like the fact that I cannot avoid the DT from being destroyed and have to restore it. Also, checking the stack to allow for deleting when being called by the contexmenu is a hack which might not work sometimes in the future. So, if anyone finds a more documented solution, I would be glad to hear it.
function DataTip_test
h = plot(rand(100,1));
DT = datatip(h,'DataIndex',22);
addlistener(DT, 'ObjectBeingDestroyed',@RestoreDT);
% ==========================
function RestoreDT(varargin)
% Allow deleting when parent line is being deleted
if strcmp(h.BeingDeleted,'on'); return; end
% Allow deleting, if triggered by context menu
db = dbstack;
if strcmp(db(end).file,'createContextMenu.p'); return; end
% Otherwise, restore datatip
DT = datatip(h, 'DataIndex',DT.DataIndex);
addlistener(DT, 'ObjectBeingDestroyed',@RestoreDT);

更多回答(1 个)

Matlab Pro
Matlab Pro 2024-6-6
Just set the 'PickableParts' = 'none'
DT = datatip(h,'DataIndex',22,'PickableParts','none');
  1 个评论
Sebastian Hölz
Sebastian Hölz 2024-6-7
编辑:Sebastian Hölz 2024-6-10
My original question was not quite complete. I still want to be able to drag the DT to a different position. It should just not be deleted when I click on it without dragging it. Thus, the above answer does not solve my problem.
Sorry for not being precise enough, I have updated the original question to mention this.



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