What does v51 or v37 or v46 etc. mean in license manager?

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to make a tool to help my company organize our MATLAB license use. Currently I am using the command "lmutil lmstat -a -c <license server>" and I'm just parsing the string output. The command prints out each type of license we have such as MATLAB, SIMULINK, etc. then within each license section it prints information about the license for a certain block of users in a nodelocked or floating license. I'm guessing this is grouped by location like IP addresses of the same location or something similar. Within this information, right next to the license type it prints v51 or v46 or some 2 digit number. For example the section starts with MATLAB v51. Then below that section it prints information about each user currently using that license. Each user line also prints out a vXY, and it can be the same or different than the corresponding license above. For example MATLAB v51 could have a user with v37. I'm just wondering what this v number means. Does it correspond to a MATLAB version somehow? If not, is there other information in the output that would tell me a users version?


Jasvin 2024-6-10
编辑:Jasvin 2024-6-10
Basically the version number corresponds to a MATLAB version that has been assigned to it by the License Manager used by MATLAB. But there doesn't seem to be any official documentation that states this.

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