Can't send data from ChirpStack to TS
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Good evening!
Im trying to setup an integration from ChirpStack (a TTN clone for raspberry) to TS and I get a "Last Entry 1 minute ago" but with no data and when I export the data I find that it has succesfully posted data into the channel but the fields are not there.
Last commas should show the fields among other things
This is how I built the integration:
Payload Encoding: JSON
Event Endpoint URL:
THINGSPEAKAPIKEY : xxxxxx(hidden but correct)
content-type: application/json
And in the payload decoder functions;
function decodeUplink(input) {
return {
data: {
field1: ((input.bytes[0]<<8 | input.bytes[1]) & 0x3FFF)/1000,
field2: input.bytes[2]<<8 | input.bytes[3]
warnings: [],
errors: []
What may I have missed so the payload fields are not posted?
回答(1 个)
Christopher Stapels
You don't seem to have included any data, at least in what you have shown above. If you are including data and you see the number of entries increase, it usually means you are posting string like data and not numeric data. So the plots will be empty but the data is still there. Use the export recent data function on your channel view to inspect the data. When you post, you need to use the format field1=xxx as in
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