Pressure drop of a two-phase fluid pipeline in simscape

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
When simulating the pressure drop of a two-phase fluid pipeline in simscape, the local resistance in simscape did not select different pressure drop correlations according to different states of the two-phase flow. As far as I know, two-phase fluids in different states can have different pressure drops, such as the viscosity correlations of Mac Adam and Dukler. How can I model the pressure drop of a two-phase pipe if I consider different empirical correlations.


Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang 2024-6-14
You can view the Simscape code of the Pipe (2P) block, save a copy, and modify it to use a custom correlation if you like.
Find the source code:
Locate the part for pressure drop calculation (R2024a):
And write your own equations!
There are two ways to use your own .ssc file. See this documentation page:

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