How to convert *.pth file to *.onnx?

45 次查看(过去 30 天)
Abbas 2024-6-14
回答: Sanjana 2024-6-15
I used Pointpillars for 3D object detection on my own dataset (just using *.bin files and their *.txt labels) using Pytorch (Cuda). The format of the trained model is *.pth. I would like to convert the *.pth file to *.onnx format. I think I should define a model (Pointpillars) and a dummy tensor/input in this regard. I am not sure how to define them. Is there any MATLAB example/library in this regard?
I appreciate any help in advance.
Thank you,

回答(1 个)

Sanjana 2024-6-15
Currently, MATLAB does not have built-in functionality to directly convert models saved in the ".pth" format to the ".onnx" format.
For guidance on converting ".pth" to ".onnx," please refer to the following link:
Once the model has been saved in the ".onnx" format, you can utilize the "importNetworkFromONNX" functionality in MATLAB to load the pre-trained network.
For more information, visit:
Hope this helps!


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