Hello Elijah
From what I understand, you want to customise and incorporate your own template to modify the report generated using the Model Advisor.
The generated report can be customised by modifying the default text template.
Please refer to the following steps to find and modify the report template:
- Using Microsoft Word, open the default template matlabroot/toolbox/simulink/simulink/modeladvisor/resources/templates/default.dotx.
- Rename and save the template ‘default.dotx’ to a writable location. For example, save the template from ‘default.dotx’ to C:/work/ma_format/mytemplate.dotx.
- In the template C:/work/ma_format/mytemplate.dotx file, add a header. For example, in the template header, add the text ‘My Custom Header’. Save the template as a Microsoft Word .dotx file.
To use the modified template, please follow the steps below:
- From the Model Advisor toolstrip, click ‘Report’ drop-down, and select ‘Template File’.
- In the ‘Select Template for Report’ dialog box, enter the path to the folder where your custom template is placed. In this case, the path is C:/work/ma_format/mytemplate.dotx.
- Click OK.
- From the toolstrip, click ‘Report’ drop-down, and select ‘PDF’. The Model Advisor generates the report in PDF format with the custom header.
These steps will help you customise the title of the report.
You can also refer to the following documentation to further understand the report generation:
I hope you find the above explanation and suggestions useful!