1. Define a function for animation:
Create a function that takes "theta1" and "theta2" as arguments and updates the positions of "ain", "bin", and "cin". This function will be called repeatedly to generate each frame of the animation.
2. Loop and animate:
Use a loop to iterate through different values of "theta1" and "theta2". Inside the loop, call the function for animation to update the plot.
% Define animation range
theta1_range = linspace(0, 360, 100); % 100 frames for 0 to 360 degrees
theta2_range = theta1_range; % Vary both angles at the same rate
for i = 1:length(theta1_range)
theta1 = deg2rad(theta1_range(i));
theta2 = deg2rad(theta2_range(i));
animate_mechanism(theta1, theta2); % Enter your function name here
pause(0.01); % Adjust pause time for animation speed
Additionally, you can take a look at these links for more information.