Using copyfile in standalone matlab app give error
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Using copyfile in standalone matlab app.
[SUCCESS,MSG] = copyfile(fromPath,toPath, 'f');
where fromPath is s3 path
and toPath is local folder in windows.
When app is run from within matlab, copyfile copies data from S3 to destination folder correctly with SUCCESS=1
When standalone app is run it return following text in MSG "s3 contains an unsupported provider" and SUCCESS=0
Verified that AWS environment varibles are set correctly while running app in standlone mode.
Let me know any hints to debug.
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回答(1 个)
The issue you're encountering likely stems from the fact that the standalone MATLAB application does not have the same access to the AWS S3 path as it does when running within the MATLAB environment. When running a standalone application, certain dependencies and environment configurations might not be included or correctly set up.
I would recommend you to refer the following MathWorks documentation on "Transfer Data to Amazon S3 Buckets and Access Data Using MATLAB" :
Additionally, you may also want to debug the code.
Hope it helps!
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