Unrecognized function or variable 'fpval'.

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Can you please guide me on how to fix the following error:
Unrecognized function or variable 'fpval'.
Error in stepwisefit>stepcalc (line 368)
pval = fpval(fstat,df0,dfe);
Error in stepwisefit (line 150)
[B,SE,PVAL,stats] = stepcalc(allx,y,in);
Error in newrobuststepwise (line 28)
[b,se,pval1,inmodel1,stats,nextstep,history] = stepwisefit(Xdata,Ydata);
I used a stepwise function whose parameter pval is one of its outputs


Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito 2024-6-27
fpval is a private function of Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox and located in MATLAB_Install/toolbox/stats/stats/private/fpval.m.
which fpval -all
/MATLAB/toolbox/stats/stats/private/fpval.m % Private to stats
If you cannot find fpval.m with "which -all", you need to reinstall Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox again.
  4 个评论
Samira Rahmati
Samira Rahmati 2024-6-27
Yes it was solved with your help
Thank you very much🙏🏻
Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito 2024-6-27
Good news!
restoredefaultpath only resets MATLAB search path in this session. You need to do savepath to save the path for next session.


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