Hi Jorge,
You can use Matlab's web scraping capabilities along with regular expressions to extract the desired numerical data. Here is a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to extract the Moment value from the provided webpage:
% URL of the webpage
url = 'https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000e7y0/executive';
% Read the webpage content
webpage = webread(url);
% Extract Moment value using regular expressions
moment_pattern = 'Moment:(\d+\.\d+e[+-]\d+) N-m';
moment_match = regexp(webpage, moment_pattern, 'tokens', 'once');
% Display the extracted Moment value
if ~isempty(moment_match)
moment_value = str2double(moment_match{1});
disp(['Extracted Moment Value: ', num2str(moment_value)]);
disp('Moment value not found.');
Hope that answers your question.