about write data to the first sheet of excel

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
hello, i want wrtie specific data to several sheet of the excel, and i have named each sheet, but i find may new target sheet will added after sheet1, how i can replace sheet1


Abhishek Kumar Singh
I suppose you want to write some data to a specific sheet, here's a sample code you can refer to, which also doesn't creates or adds any new sheet:
% Create a sample table
data = table([1; 2; 3], [4; 5; 6], 'VariableNames', {'Column1', 'Column2'});
% Write the table to a specific sheet in an Excel file
filename = 'testBook.xlsx';
sheet = 'mySheet';
writetable(data, filename, 'Sheet', sheet);
This is what I got:
Hope it helps!
  2 个评论
wenchao zhang
wenchao zhang 2024-7-1
actually, i have write data to the excel sheet successfully,my question is the data is writed to the sencond sheet,the default sheet1 is still exist,i want my data direcltly write to the first sheet with specific names
wenchao zhang
wenchao zhang 2024-7-1
any way, in your case it seems ok,not sure why i will failed


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